Wednesday 2 April 2014

Evaluation - Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?
This part of the evaluations as answered by Simran Takhar, she has created an animation to demonstrate the kind of people that are part of our audiences. The videos she created are embedded below.

Our film would appeal to Emma because she has an interest in murder mystery/crime tv shows which can be similar to psychological thrillers and horror films . Also Emma is a teenage girl with a clear liking for horror films and so she would probably look forward to watching my groups film 'The Perpetrator' in cinemas, because the leading actress in our film is a teenage girl from London. Taking note of this Emma may be appealed to watch our film because she finds the leading actress similar to her, related to the uses and gratifications model; she would find our media text appealing because it personally appeals to her and presents her with a role model/ someone she can look up to.  Furthermore, 'The Perpetrator' is similar and in the same genre of some of her favorite films. So our film would easily appeal to her. It can be noted that my groups target audience questionnaire results have also made it clear that a girl in Emma's age range like our ideal target audience.

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