Wednesday 2 October 2013

180 degree rule and shot reverse shot

The 180 degree rule:
This is where there is an imaginary line that the camera should remain on the same side of, it enforces continuity editing.
The camera only stays on one side of the line so that the characters have the same eye line match and the same characters stay on the same side. for example characters A always stays on the left and character B always stays on the right.

This rule must never broken, if it is it could cause confusion for the audience, and make the effect of the film less intense and realistic. in order to cross the line either back or forth you must show that movement on the camera as this is the only way to not disorientate the audience.

Shot reverse shot:
Shot reverse shot is an editing technique that allows audiences to see the intended characters easily. The technique doesn't show the camera moving, but instead cuts from one shot to another, that may be a shot of characters, or something a character may be focusing on. Shot reverse shot can be crucial for when trying to depict something dramatic that the character may be looking at. For example if a character hears something spooky and suddenly looks at the direction it comes from, the camera will cut to a shot of a spooky dark room, which is indicative of the spooky noise. Therefore the camera work has suggested where the spooky noise has came from, this is useful for editing a horror movie, because it is suggestive, even with minimal dialogue.
Script for the preliminary task:
Character A: Hey, how were your lessons?
Character B: They were good thanks, I don't have any homework today. How about you?
Character A: Hmm, they were okay can't wait to get home. I got a detention in English today.
Character B: Oh really? That sucks!
Character A: Yeah oh well I don't like English anyway.
Character B: Do you want to go McDonald's after school then?
Character A: Oh yeah! I could do with a burger!
Character B: Mmmmm lets go then.

Today's activity was to create and edit my own 180 degree and shot reverse shot footage, to demonstrate my understanding and application of this type of editing. The above link is my own footage of my understanding of the 180-Degree rule and shot reverse shot.
This activity was particularly useful as it demonstrated to my group, the importance of using two cameras placed in two different places. This ensures continuity will be accurate when it comes to editing, as opposed to using one camera and filming the same footage twice from two different perspectives.
If I had the opportunity to improve this activity I would have positioned the cameras more directly behind/over the shoulder of the characters. I believe this would have made it more specific as to what types of editing I was trying to demonstrate. Rather than having them slightly below the characters.
My understanding of these editing methods will help whilst I am making my opening to a horror film, because; the 180 degree rule will be useful to ensure the audience comprehend the danger of the setting and or the characters by not becoming confused by inaccurate editing. Also shot reverse shot will be useful for effect because shots cutting quickly is a simple yet greatly impactive.

The purpose of this task was to display how I understand and could apply the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot to my own footage and editing skills. We had to create a video that demonstrated the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot, which was a useful challenge to my editing skills. This practice has taught me that using these methods when editing can create a coherent video for a spectator to watch and enjoy. This will impact my final video because we will have a greater understanding of how to apply these methods and the necessity of using them, to create a good piece of work.

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