Tuesday 29 October 2013

Preliminary task

Today's activity was to create a preliminary video, that demonstrates my understanding of the 180 Degree rule, match on action editing, and shot reverse shot. The video had to include an example of the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot editing. This activity was particularly useful because it has taught me that editing is essential for continuity. For example following the 180 degree rule is crucial for maintaining the audience's interest and understanding of the narrative. This will impact our final product, as this knowledge will allow us to create a final piece that uses professional editing techniques, and ensures continuity for our target audiences. 

This is the storyboard to our preliminary task; 

Preliminary task script:
Character A: Hey! You alright?
Character B: Hey, yeah. Why didn't you come to my party last week?
Character A: Nobody invited me. I thought it was weird you didn't invite me but, I didnt want to say anything.
Character B: Oh sorry, i thought you knew.
Character A: That's okay, i'll come to the next one.
Character B: Yeah, I've got to go now, so bye.
Character A: Alright, see you later.

Preliminary Task:

Collectively we created a Prezi that provides an evaluation of our preliminary task.

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