Tuesday 4 February 2014

Idents Research

Today's task was to look at Idents in more detail. An Ident is something that identifies film production companies, and they're usually shown at the beginning  of the film. An Ident may be used to introduce the genre of the film, and create an image of the mood of the film. Idents may be used to add to the 'Cinema Experience' as in cinemas Idents are indicative that the film is starting, and it builds the dramatic tension before the film. We have looked into some production companies and looked at their Idents that are quite well known. In some detail we have looked at 'Lionsgate' and 'Dreamworks'. We have chosen to look at these as they are from generally different genres, so the similarities and differences are somewhat interesting. 

Below is one out of the two Lionsgate Idents I will be looking at. Lionsgate are known for many horror films, and their Ident must reflect this, the embedded Ident is quite low key, the lighting is dark and the music begins slow paced, as it slowly creeps up and with this, so does the lighting. As it comes to an end, the music fades and the image with the font saying 'LIONSGATE' fades to black, leaving a serious impression on the audience. 

Design and Intention:

The Ident is frequently used by Lionsgate, and it has a duration of 22 seconds. To begin with the Ident presents machinery, such as clogs and gears, connoting that similarly to machinery, 'Lionsgate' keep the film industry working and functioning. This may be due to their established name, and their reputation for a big production company. The camera zooms out of the clogs and gears as we pan out through the view of a keyhole, as the camera continues to zoom out. We soon see two quite prestige doors opening, which shows some lighter lighting, as we see the word 'Lionsgate' spread across clouds in a simple yet bold font, which reinforces the idea that 'Lionsgate' are a prestige as they images they have used have many connotations. For example, the doors 'opening up' could be indicative of the spectators minds as they are watching the film, being 'open' to a film that is a new experience to them. Also clouds have connotations of heaven, which may be suggestive of the high quality of the film that is to follow.

Another Ident that belongs to 'Lionsgate' that can be found is shown below;

Design and Intention:
This Ident is subject to films that are more to the genre of horror and gore. The colour scheme used is more dark and red, which connotes danger, blood, violence and slasher. This can be seen as a reflection of the genre. The opening is similar to the one above, with a close up of clogs and gears and panning and moving around them. However the cogs are more red and rusty than before, the doors also seen heavier and darker which again differs from the first. Similarly to the first Ident, this one lasts 22 seconds also. However as the doors open, the clods are deep red, and the font is black, with a hint of a rusty red. The font is still capital, so the image is still serious and dramatic, yet the collective image seems more subject to horror films. In contrast to the first Ident, the use of red clouds may connote hell as opposed to heaven. The doors used in this one are also less prestige, which again connotes that the film following may not be as lavish, as one perhaps following the previous Ident.

'Dreamworks' are generally known for their films that are often animated and/or comedies. However 'Dreamworks' are known to be seen as the production companies to horror films such as "The Ring".

Below is one of the two Idents I will be looking at from 'Dreamworks'. 

Design and intention:
This Ident lasts for 28 seconds, and is probably the most recognisable from the 'Dreamworks' Idents. The sequence denotes the reflection of a moon in water, which is soon interrupted by fishing bait in dropping into the water. As we pan up we go through the clouds and above them to the actual image of the moon with a young boy sitting in the curve of the moon, which soon turns into the curve on the 'D' at the beginning of Dreamworks. Throughout there is uplifting enchanting music, that helps to create the mood of the film. Then the camera pans to the right as we follow the word 'Dreamworks' through misty clouds. Finally there is a last shot of the word 'Dreamworks', quite zoomed out that is surrounded by clouds. The use of a child at the beginning of the Ident may connote that dreams are associated with children, creating a sense of nostalgia. Dreamworks may have chosen to do this, to make it seem as though their films are imaginative, as the colour scheme of blue and white is associated with clouds and the sky, and imaginative dreams and thoughts.

Below is an Ident from 'Dreamworks' that was created for The Ring (2002)
Design and intention :
The design is somewhat similar to the previous one shown. The main differences being that this Ident is shorter, lasting for 21 seconds, also this one has a lack of music, there are small bursts of white noise, that matches the small bursts of static during the Ident, which matches the image of the film, as the film is based around a VCR that has static. This is useful for indicating the tone of the film, and giving the audience an insight as to what the film may be about.

This research will be useful when it comes to the creation of our own Idents, as we will have a greater understanding of the ways in which an Ident can create the mood of a film, also the imagery used in the Idents can connote some of the themes that could be found in the film.

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