Wednesday 5 March 2014

Research and Planning


Again using the website FlipSnack I have created an album that shows our storyboard planning. We came together to discuss some ideas and plan out what we want to do. We also discussed the conventions we could include, and some of the ones we should avoid, to avoid looking too cliched. Simran then drew out the storyboard, which gave us a better idea of the reality of our ideas. Planning a storyboard has been useful, as it has been a good way for us to have some ideas prior to filming, also we have something to follow, to ensure we remember to include everything. Using a storyboard will impact our final video, as we will be able to begin smoothly without wasting time. 

Embedded below is a shotlist that was created by group member Amy Smith, she created a shotlist using a website called SlideShare. It is important that we have a shotlist before we begin filming, because it allows us to follow our original ideas, and ensures that we have variation in our final film, which is important because it means our final video will look realistic and professional. 

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